We often hear complaints about other solicitors and the way in which they charge especially for Directors Disqualification work. At Simon Burn Solicitors we take a proactive approach to costs.
We will carry out a fixed fee no obligation review meeting with you face to face to see if you would like us to work with you and to identify what we can do to help you.
The actual costs that will be incurred with us depends on what we are asked to do.
We will agree budgets with you in advance before any work is undertaken. This way there are no “nasty surprises”.
Whilst our costs are charged on a time basis. Firstly we have extensive experience and expertise and secondly as we are based out of London with lower overheads, we are able to work quickly and efficiently and pass the overhead savings onto you.
Typically assisting in responding to a questionnaire received from the Insolvency Service will cost in the region of £500 plus VAT and a letter of representation in response to a Section 16 letter can often be prepared for a similar budget.
T: 01242 228 444 (Cheltenham)
T: 0121 371 0301 (Birmingham)
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This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA No. 516917
T: 01242 228 444 (Cheltenham) | T: 0121 371 0301 (Birmingham)
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This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA No. 516917
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