If you have been contacted by the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills or are involved in Directors Disqualification proceedings then there are many ways in which we can assist you. These include;
Assisting you in responding to questionnaires or cooperating with the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and their investigation.
Advising you on a Section 16 letter (this is the letter that the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills send before starting Court proceedings) and drafting a response to the letter making representations on your behalf.
Corresponding with the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in order to make representations on your behalf about the facts of your case and the law with a view to dissuading them from starting Court action.
Advising you as to the merits of your case.
Advising you as to how to maximise your chances of successfully defending any proceedings.
Appoint local Counsel to deal with the Court and deal with procedural aspects of any proceedings whilst giving our expert legal knowledge in relation to this area of law including drafting detailed Affidavits for you and other witnesses.
Providing you with advice on Disqualification Undertakings and in particular the effect of those Undertakings on you in the future.
Obtaining leave to act if you offer a Disqualification Undertaking.
Instructing expert forensic accountants to assist in defending you.
Accessing our network of leading Barristers including QCs and “Senior Juniors” with expertise to defend you in Court if necessary.
We can tailor our service to suit your needs and budget. Whether you just want some advice or need to be robustly defended we can help.
T: 01242 228 444 (Cheltenham)
T: 0121 371 0301 (Birmingham)
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This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA No. 516917
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This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA No. 516917
Simon Burn
Simon Burn
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